10 Foods That Help Regulate Blood Sugar And Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

The large intake of flavonoids, as well as anthocyanins and other substances found in berries, tea and chocolate, can prevent the type 2 diabetes development, the recent study published in the last issue of the specialized publication Journal of Nutrition revealed.

The study which included more than 2,000 subjects revealed that the high intake of certain substances found in these foods is related to low insulin resistance and improved regulation of blood sugar levels. It has been also been discovered that these products have anti-inflammatory effects, which is related to diabetes, but also to cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer.

The head of the study group, Professor Aedin Cassidy from the University of East Anglia, said that they have been focused on the flavonoids, which are present in aromatic plants and vegetables, such as parsley, celery and thyme, i.e. on the anthocyanins, found in berries, blackcurrants and other dark red fruits and vegetables. In other words, people with frequent and substantial intake of foods rich in these elements, have a reduced risk for diabetes development.

Also, this study has revealed that the subjects with highest anthocyanin consumption showed reduced chances for development of chronic inflammations, which are related to the biggest health problems of the modern day, such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.

The ones with greatest flavonoids consumption had an increase of protein levels, which help the regulation of different metabolic processes, such as the regulation of blood sugar. The only uncertainty is what the daily intake of these substances should be, in order to truly reduce the risk for development of type 2 diabetes.

The authors of the study have said that they were thrilled because of these results, because they have revealed that some components, even those products which are normally considered as harmful, such as wine and chocolate, can be beneficial for our body.

1. Apples

One apple contains 5 g. of fiber and lots of vitamin C. Dietary fiber plays an important role in diabetes prevention, because they control the blood sugar levels. A few grams of fiber can greatly slow down digestion and reduce insulin spikes.

2. Chard

This vegetable provides the body with beneficial nutrients and does not drastically increase the blood sugar levels. It is low in calories, and rich in fiber, calcium, powerful antioxidants and vitamin B.

3. Low fat Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is rich in calcium and probiotics, while some types also contain vitamin D, which reduces the risk of diabetes. This yogurt is also rich in proteins and perfect for maintaining healthy body weight, which is especially important since obesity increases the risk of  developing many diseases.

4. Eggplant

The color of the eggplant is a result of the anthocyanins, important antioxidants, which reduce the risk of diabetes. They prevent the cell deterioration, including pancreatic beta cells, which are involved in insulin production.

5. Lentils

Legumes play especially important role in our health. They are packed with fiber and useful minerals such as iron, magnesium and calcium. Lentils keeps the body satiated for hours on, and has beneficial effects on the digestive system.

6. Ginger

Although primarily used for relieving abdominal pain, ginger can also be used in diabetes prevention, by regulating body’s sensitivity to insulin. Ginger is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

7. Raspberries

The antioxidants in raspberries may reduce the risk of chronic diseases and obesity. One cup of raspberries contains as much as 8 grams of fiber.

8. Salmon

This product tops all the health food menus. The polyunsaturated fats in salmon and the omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of inflammatory processes in the body, which regulates the blood sugar level.

9. Peanut butter

Peanut butter is excellent in diabetes prevention. Namely, it contains healthy fats, fibber and proteins, which keep you satiated for a prolonged period, avoiding abrupt increase of the blood sugar level.

10. Brown rice

Having in mind that brown rice contains lots of fiber, antioxidants and vitamins B, it is excellent in diabetes prevention and preserving the health.

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