How To Write Product Launch Email To Drive Sales (2023)

Developing a new product takes a lot of time and effort. After putting in all of the work, you want your audience to see the results. As you prepare for your product launch, you’ll use every marketing tactic in your arsenal to increase your chances of success. 

A well-executed go-to-market email campaign is a powerful way to debut your new offering. Here’s how to craft an attention-grabbing product launch email campaign.

5 types of product launch emails

The goal of a product launch campaign is to spread awareness about your new product. Leading up to the launch, you may create and send multiple emails targeting various stakeholders with different messaging. Consider these different types of product launch emails:

1. Sneak preview

Sending a pre-launch teaser email helps ignite customer interest ahead of your product launch date. Pre-launch emails can preview the new product and create a sense of urgency by kicking off a countdown to the official launch. These messages are typically part of a larger product launch email sequence. Next, send a follow-up email to remind customers to order when the product is available.

2. Preorder opportunity

Offering your loyal customers a chance to preorder your product before its upcoming launch can increase anticipation and help you gauge interest. Promoting preorders via email can help you predict sales numbers and ensure you have enough products available on launch day. 

3. Launch day announcement

Celebrate the debut of your new product and drive sales with a product announcement email as soon as it’s available for purchase. Make it clear where and how customers can buy your product. 

4. Internal communication

A new product launch is an occasion for celebration. Sending an internal product launch email is an excellent way to boost morale and thank your team for their hard work.

5. New feature announcement

Launch emails aren’t always reserved for new products. If you add a brand new feature to an existing product, consider emailing your subscribers and promoting your new offering. Feature announcement emails can be useful for companies that frequently update their products.

Key components of a product launch email

When reading a product launch email, the recipient should clearly understand what the product is, why they should be excited, and how they can purchase it. Use your email communications to give customers key details about the launch. 

Here’s all the essential information to include: 

1. Subject line

Every email needs a subject line. Craft an attention-grabbing subject line to communicate that you have something new and exciting to offer. Words like “introducing” and “all-new” can help pique the reader’s interest. Use clear, simple language and keep it short.

2. Description of the product

Include a brief overview of your new product in the email body. Explain what the product does and how to use it. Highlight any features that distinguish your product from the competition. Use your launch email to explain how this product will benefit consumers.

3. Helpful visuals

Enhance your email with on-brand graphic design and images of your new product. To stand out, consider including product beauty shots, images of your product in use, or infographics. 

4. Call to action

Present the reader with a clear call to action. This could be a button that takes them to a purchase page, an invitation to sign up for a waitlist, or a link to a blog post with more information. 

4 tips for writing a product launch email

A well-crafted product launch announcement email is informative, appealing, and brief—the average marketing email is only 50 to 125 words. Make every word count. Here are a few tips for creating a compelling message: 

1. Choose an email strategy

Start by determining the goal of your email. A product launch email can focus on driving sales, building excitement, or providing new product information. Make it clear what you want the reader to do next.

2. Include imagery 

Don’t just tell customers about your new product—show them. Including images of your product in use can help readers imagine how it can improve their lives. Choose photos that show your product in its best light. 

3. Don’t forget design

Use graphic design to break up the text and create an aesthetically appealing email. Your product launch emails should be consistent with your overall brand aesthetic. Stick to your brand guidelines. Use signature colors and optimize design elements for both mobile and desktop performance. 

4. Focus on your audience

Remember who you’re talking to. The messaging for an internal product launch email should differ from an email offering early access to loyal customers. If you use a marketing automation platform to help manage your email list, see what audience insights it offers. Consider using this data for email segmentation so you can tailor your email to specific readers. 

For example, if you’re releasing an updated model of an existing product, send an email specifically to customers who purchased the older model. You may also segment your email audience based on demographics and engagement rates. 

Examples of product launch emails

Check out these product launch email examples from real Shopify merchants to get inspired. 


To introduce their Mary Jane shoe, Rothy’s opened with a strong visual to show off the new style. The messaging is concise, but inspires action by emphasizing the product is a limited edition. It concludes with a clearly labeled call to action. 


Wunderground coffee used creative copy to capture reader attention straight away. Beneath the product image, the copy continues to create excitement by highlighting that the product is already popular. In addition to a CTA, Wunderground offered a discount to incentivize subscriptions. 


This email uses design to send a message about Juvee’s relaunched Cherry Slushie drink. Bright colors and graphic elements come together to create a sense of energy and fun. The body copy mentions this flavor has sold out in the past, showing the product is in-demand. This message supports the CTA, which asks customers to sign up for a reminder so they don’t miss out. 

Wonder Valley

Wonder Valley starts off with strong imagery and complementary design. The body copy is focused on imagery and romance, but all of the essential product information is summarized above the CTA. 

Create a product launch email in minutes with Shopify Email

With Shopify Email, you can easily create, send, automate, and track email campaigns all from your Shopify admin—no coding required.

Discover Shopify Email

Product launch email FAQ

Why are product launch emails important?

Product launch emails are an essential component of any good email marketing strategy. They help build anticipation, raise awareness, and drive sales. Sending an external product launch email to your existing subscriber base is a way to communicate with an audience already familiar with your brand and interested in your products.

What is the best timing and delivery strategy for a product launch email?

Review your email engagement metrics to choose a time and day when your audience will likely be online. Shopify Email allows you to build automation templates to send emails when they’re most likely to reach your audience.

Is it important to optimize my product launch email for mobile devices?

Yes. In all likelihood, a significant portion of your customer base will access their email using a mobile device. Using a responsive design and formatting your email for both mobile and desktop ensures you reach all your potential customers.

How can I test and optimize my product launch email for better performance?

Boost email performance by A/B testing subject lines. You can also use email data to filter your audience by criteria like past purchase behavior, engagement statistics, and user demographics; this allows you to tailor your messaging to each group.

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