What are some Google search tips and hacks?


There are millions of users who use the internet daily to solve their queries and there are millions of websites that give information on different topics. As you know the World Wide Web is very vast and it contains millions and trillions of information, because of that only sometimes it does not give you proper information quickly, So it is very much important to get your search result quickly as it saves your time and in today era time is more valuable than anything else

The topic which we cover to get your search result quickly:

Use of Google Search Tab
Use of Phrase Match “ “
Use of Site:
Use of Exact Match [ ]
Use of Negative Match
Try to Make your Search Simple by using important words
How to use Google Search Tab?

To make your search result quality better use Google Search Tab it will give you more relevant information for example if you are searching for latest news regarding best SEO practice 2020 then just click on the Google news tab it will give you complete information regarding the latest news for the best SEO practices 2020. Suppose you are searching for any video regarding your keyword just click on the Google video tab to get a trending video. This practice will save your time and energy.

How to use Phrase match?

If you want to save your time and make your Google search result 2X faster kindly use Phrase Match for that. For example, if you are searching for On-Page SEO try to put your keyword inside Phrase Match. Please see the above image I have used my keyword inside Phrase Match “On-Page SEO” this gives me more specific results for my keyword.

How To Use Site:

If you want to filter out any specific topic from any website just use the Site:’ tag. As can be seen in the above image I have entered my keyword site: URL of the website to filter out all the SEO topics that backlinks have published yet. So if you are also a genuine reader of any website you can also filter out your topic from this method.

How to Use Exact Match?

If you want to target any specific keyword then you can use Exact Match [ ] . This modifier helps you to give an Exact Match for the keyword which you are searching. You just need to frame your keyword inside the Exact Match modifier [ ]. With the help of this modifier, you can easily save your precious time.

How to Use Negative Match –If you are frustrated with the negative keyword then you can use the Negative Keyword Modifier to remove unnecessary keywords. All you need to do is frame your keyword in inverted commas and add a minus sign in front of that keyword that you want to ignore.

For example “Best SEO Blog” – 2024

By adding the above phrase in your search engine it will exclude all the websites who have to use the keyword “best SEO blog for 2021”. Only those websites will appear in search engines that use the keyword “best SEO blog”.

Try to make your search term simple by using important keywords only

This is basic guidance to all please use simple search terms instead of complicated ones.

Suppose you are searching for hotels near you. Try to use simple words like “Hotels near me.”

Don’t use terms like “undergo visual accommodation” these terms do not give you better results, it will only waste your time. If you want to see your search result quickly then please use simple terms.

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